About Me

I still have that new blogger smell on me so please bear with me.
I chose the name, “The Honorable Mention” for this blog because I received so many of these awards in school. I was actually upset about it until my dad had me look up the word “honorable” in the dictionary.
This was my first blog post and it was the part of a beginning of a love of words, reading and writing for me.
It also helped me remember that even though teaching doesn’t pay all that much, it still is a wonderful field to work in.
It's so important for me as a small business owner to be organized within my home, my educational goals, my mind, my health... my time and especially my finances. This helped me to live below my means and have the time, energy, and set my goals and priorities in order- to live a life I can truly enjoy and value.
Even though it seems like teachers are the last to be considered for raises or bonuses- or providers work tirelessly with hope for retirement, I wasn’t about to let that effect my mindset.
I privately called all us hard working positive Teachers and Family Home daycare Providers, “The Honorable Mentions”. We are those that are mentioned last but really came in ‘first. 
I am so thankful to everyone that has been so supportive as I went through my 'un'-learning to learn many positive and wonderful things. My Family, friends, You Are a CEO, fellow bloggers, business guru- Julie Parker, Megan Tomassello; the amazing staff at Value-Centered Solutions Inc. for all their business support and advise. Mr. Terri Fulton and Life Skills 4ll-A teacher of teachers!
I often love a challenge...and when I feel discouraged I used to say say as a kid, "Anything not worth doing was at least not worth doing well." I want to thank all those people that challenged me, and yes, even said many things weren't possible or weren't worth doing. It helped and had me work even harder.
Last but not least, I want to thank God- because He makes everything possible though Him, my friends united in the Lord and my hardworking husband, Chris-I love you.
I know this is titled "About Me", but really...what did I have that I didn't receive...
So really, it's about you.
Let’s keep building…