
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Early Childhood Educational Memory Activites and Games

"Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things."
~Pierce Harris, Atlanta Journal

I enjoy story times. Early Childhood Education is not always about the education young children, I have found out. I have learned quite a few things myself-especially from a child’s point of view.
What preschoolers retain, recall, learn and perceive are very important to me. This is why I love hearing them tell me stories and recall events. I will even incorporate it as part of the preschool curriculumgames, activities, even books!

Questions like;
What was your favorite thing you did outside today?
How many kids did you play with at school today?
What is your favorite thing that happened today?
What made you happy today?

What types of questions inspire your children or preschoolers?
*Special thanks to Capri Giles for showing us this video!


  1. One question I ask a lot is: "Who's been nice to you?" I often substitute another word for "nice" in the question, using instead words like, "kind" "helpful" or "a friend."

  2. I have never heard that before, Dan.
    Thank you! I will definitely use that...I spent a lot of time trying to find a good link that offered excellent opened ended questioned for adults and I was surprised.
    I still have to stop and think of how to ask, speak, or question to avoid a simple "yes" or "No" answer from little ones.
    Sometimes, if we put forth some effort-so will they...and it keeps going until it becomes part of your classroom culture. I like that.


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