
Friday, February 26, 2010

Creating Excellent Work Habits in the Early Childhood Classroom

Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables. 
~Spanish Proverb

As an early childhood educator I really have a strong desire to teach the young children excellent work habits. Skills that will give them a foundation for success in life and a foundation they can build throughout their own lives.
This is why my studies led me to so many areas of curriculum and methodologies for my own classroom. High/Scope, Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Montessori, Emergent Curriculum, Reggio Emilia,The Multiple Intelligences Theory…and so many more. I really wanted to know what worked in the ways children learned. And there were success stories in all of them.
I think the one that really amazes me now is The Multiple Intelligences Theory. It can keep going on forever…
Because the brain and intelligence is so vast.
If anything, I want preschoolers to know that.

They are capable of anything if they set their whole heart to it.


  1. Hi Barbara,

    I am delighted to find another Early Childhood educator on here. Great post! I am going to follow you and hope you will keep in touch! I am blogging about my 34 years in the classroom.

  2. Thank you VKT.
    It's to meet another fellow ECE. You have had quite a few experiences! I'll keep in touch.


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