
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Art That Promotes Socialization for Kids

Do you want a quick table art activity to set up for kids that takes virtually no time at all? We love this one because it is great open ended activity for the first day of school or anytime you want the kids to interact and spark a conversation with one another.

Table Art for Kids:
Materials Needed: Crayons (peel off the paper), a variety of flat objects (i.e. puzzle pieces, leaves, paper scraps, coffee filters, small sticks, textured paper scraps, card board shapes, etc.), length of butcher paper that will cover the table, making tape.
The Set Up: Arrange the flat objects on the table and place a length of butcher paper over the table and secure it with tape. Have peeled crayons placed in strawberry baskets (or handy container) and remove the chairs from the table. Kids will be standing during this activity.
The Procedure: Kids can freely color any areas of the table by shading with the edge of a crayon. Together they will discover what shapes are underneath while they guess by feeling it.
Socialization: Kids love to strike up conversations! This activity allows kids the freedom to share space, color as a group, and guess-a-mate what the art will look like.
We like to write down their conversations, words and discoveries directly on the paper before we display it.

What types of activities do you enjoy for a back to school activity?

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