
Friday, July 2, 2010

Outdoor Fun with Kids and Plastic Bottles

We love water play days! We found a great way to keep kids happy and cool while using them with the tricycles outside! We thought we would share it with you just in case you haven't tried it! Be sure to let us know how it went!

Having Fun with Plastic Bottles:
Materials Needed: Plastic bottles of all sizes (have kids and parents bring in a few, different sized funnels (optional), duct tape, scissors, a hose connected to a water source, small ice pick or knife to poke holes with, tricycles, kids in swimsuits and water shoes, a big outdoor area to ride trikes.
The Procedure: Punch one or more holes in most of the plastic bottles (putting a few aside), remember the bigger the hole the faster the water will pour out. Use duct tape to adhere a number of bottles to the front and back of various tricycles the kids will be riding. We circle the duct tape on a few revolutions to make sure it's secure!
Let the fun begin!: Turn on the hose and let the kids fill up the bottles on the tricycles. Water will shoot out of the holes as they ride. Kids have often pretended it's a gas tank and they need a fill up! Extra bottles and funnels can be used for more pouring!
Have a great time!

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