
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Make your own sewing activities for children!

Sewing helps with hand eye coordination, fine motor skills, even pre-writing skills. It's a great activity but with young children we worry about needles. We found a great safe and inexpensive way to get kids started on sewing!

Make Your Own Activities for Young Children:
Materials Needed: Scotch tape or masking tape, yarn or twine, hole puncher, paper plates. You can even choose themed paper plates like those that have pictures on them from party stores.
The Preparation: Punch holes in various places all over the paper plate. In order to get holes in the middle we recommend you fold the plate and use the hole puncher in the center. Use a long length of yarn and tape off one end like a shoe lace tip so it won't frey on the children as they sew. Tape the other end securely to the back of the plate.
The Process: Place the finished plates on table or on a comfy rug so they can begin sewing any way they please.
Extensions: Children color the plates before they begin sewing. You can also cut the paper plates into shapes. For older ones, you can add plastic needles, bits of  burlap fabric and large buttons for kids to sew onto the plates (Be sure to make provisions for adult supervision on this one). It's a good firm surface to start on once kids really get the hang of it! We found small paper cake plates are less expensive and easier for little hands to work with at times.

What are some great sewing activities you have?


  1. Sounds like a fun idea. I've subbed Montessori, where they punch out the outlines of continenets and countries, but don't sew them. Not as fun.

  2. Oh yes, they don't "play". It's concidered "work". I've been a teacher in Montessori.

  3. Hey Barbie,

    How are you lady? This is great. If we are creative we can do more with less money. I heard about one person who played "Hot - Lava" as a kid where they pretended a ditch had hot lava in it and they pushed each other in. LOL

    Kids, they imagine the craziest stuff.

    Speaking of crazy. I had a blast with you Saturday in SF at the Jewish Museum of Modern Art. The lunch was divine and I can't wait to go back.

    Thursday night is another live SuccessTV Show so maybe we can change our play date to Wednesday



  4. Good idea JUJUBee, I love that game Hot Lava, too.
    Hey! Lord willing we will all get together soon!

  5. Hi Barbra! I love this!! My 7 and 5 yr olds were practicing sewing over the weekend with real needles. A couple of pokes and 2 broken needles later, the fun was over. This is much safer! Thank you!


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