
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kids Art That Rocks!

I love the great outdoors! Something about the fresh air, sunshine and space that really puts us in a happy creative mood. We like to have kids come back with a bit of memorabilia from each trip we take together! Here are more go green art activities you can do for pennies!

Go Green Art Activities for Kids:
How to Make a Hot Rock Sculpture
Materials: Palm sized rock the kids have picked up from a nature walk (The larger the better but not so heavy they will drop it), old broken crayon pieces, clothes pins and rubber bands (optional), an oven, cookie sheet covered in foil, small bowl of ice water.
Procedure: Preheat your oven at 150 to 200 degrees. Wash your rocks and set them on the foiled cookie sheet. Depending on how many rocks you have you may need to adjust for the time but the rocks simply need to be hot enough to melt a crayon. Secure crayons in the clothes pin with a rubber band (This crayon extension is to keep fingers safe as you and the child freely color on the hot rock).
Process: Depending on the age of the child you will want to to be in close proximity. I have never had anyone get an ouchie but I keep a bowl of ice water handy for little fingers.
The Finished Product: Colors melt gorgeously and smoothly! It gives a wonderful rainbow effect on your rock! Glitter crayons are fabulous! They make great gifts!


  1. Barbie, You always come up with the greatest of ideas.

    This sounds like a lot of fun.

    I saw in the Mall in LA a booth that had you dip your hands in wax and make a sculpture with your hands using color, glitter and I would have loved to do it but we were rushin to catch our plane.

    By the way I had a blast with you in So Cal.

    You were the perfect roomie.

    I just got home.



  2. Hey JuJu,
    Glad you made it back safe! We missed you!


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