
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Popular Fingerplays and Stories in Preschool

"Kids: they dance before they learn
there is anything that isn't music."
~William Stafford
We have some very popular fingerplays with kids in the preschool program. Here are just a few we never get tired of!

Popular Fingerplays and Songs in Preschool:
Name of the Finger play: Cut the Pickle
Give me five (High five the child)
Other side (High five child with the backside of hand )
Cut the pickle (Touch your index fingers together as child mimics cutting motions with the side of their hand)
Here's a tickle! (Quickly and gently tickle child)
Extension: Encourage children to teach this one to each other! It's a favorite!

Keep off the Grass
This is a story you tell by having the child hold out their palm. We pretend there is a little city or town on their hand and I will point to each arean on thier hand as I narrate the story:

"I see a little town on your hand. Here are where the kids go to school (teacher points), Here is were the mommies and daddies work and eat lunch ( teacher points), Here is a little tiny park with baby ducks swimming. And here is a sign that says, "Keep Off The Grass" (teacher points).
Have child recall areas you pointed to and be sure they touch their palm;
"Please show me where the mommies and daddies eat lunch (child touches palm),Show me where the baby ducks swim (Child touches palm)."
"Now show me where the sign is that says, Keep off the Grass".  As the child touches that area of their palm, gently tap their hand and say. "Hey! Keep off the Grass!"

What are some of your kid's favorites?


  1. How cute Barb,

    I used to love when my mother played little games like this with us. She did the cupping of hands thing with "Here's the Church, Here's the stepple, open the doors and see all the people", she did the Itsy-bitsy-Spider climbed up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out...". When mom interacted with my I felt her love, attention and genunie care. I think when teachers do the same they are showing their care. I love it.


  2. Hi Julie, I remember the church one! My sister taught me that one!


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