
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Good Communication

"The basic building block of good communications is the feeling that every human being is unique and of value."

With a day of so much to recall, remind, and relate to I have to remember if I really am communicating effectively. The last thing I want to sound like is Charlie Brown's grade school teacher (Wah-wah-wah).
I remembered that much of good communication comes from a place of viewing others respectfully and thoughtfully. Really, how I would like to be treated.
Words have power to hurt, heal, encourage....
I would like to create a wonderful environment for learning and growing each day.


  1. I find the most important thing is to listen carefully and try to understand the emotional component of the situation. Then, ask questions.

  2. It's a much deeper way of communicating from that point of view, I like that. Kids really know who they can come talk to....
    Adults do too for that matter.
    Thanks, Dan.


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