
Monday, May 17, 2010

4 Things to Look for Before Potty Training a Child

"Are we there yet?"

Let’s face it, everyone has some pretty interesting insight on how to effectively potty train a child. Well meaning pediatricians give lots of information but are sometimes vague in the approach. Dr. Tony Braselton,  has always advised patience and mutual respect (well said). Then of course, there is the old school method of the naughty child that must be punished for making a puddle.
I have found it unfortunate that many preschools will not take children into programs until they are potty trained. This puts a tremendous amount of pressure no only on the parents but on the child as well. With so much to do, see, touch taste and feel, not all children learn about how their body works after merely strolling on the planet three years.
What I have found is most helpful is if we are aware of what would make children successful potty learners in the first place. Sure, we can all run around placing a child on the potty every half hour but who is really trained then?
I have actually narrowed it down to 4 things to look for before potty training and this will cut down the potty training/learning time by 50%.

4 Things to Look For Before Potty Training a Child

1. The child shows interest in the toilet and when others go potty.
2. The child shows bladder control and can stay dry for long periods of time.
3. The child feels uncomfortable when wet or soiled. He/She will usually tell you before, after or during the process of elimination.
4. The child can remove simple clothing like buttons or snaps. Removing their own clothes is part of this process as well.

Having all four attributes are best. All attributes may not come at the same time, some may manifest early.
Talking to your child very young, getting and reading books about the potty really help encourage and prepare them.
We hope these tips are helpful and let us know how it’s all coming along for you!


  1. Good post. We like it to call it "toilet learned" rather potty trained. Why? Because it's not at all about "training" the child when to go; rather them learning when they need to go.

    As for the not taking them until they are out of diapers? Well, I think it sucks, too; however in our state, it's a matter of licesing issues. If you have only a preschool license (children 3 and up) you CANNOT take a child in diapers because you're not licensed to handle diapers. Seriously.

    However, if you have an infant/toddler license, that it doesn't matter if a diapered child is in the preschool rooms. Therefore, the pressure is off a bit; plus I find that some children who start preschool in diapers in a class full of children in underwear quickly learn to use the toilet.

  2. Hi Jenni,
    Licensed to diaper...he-he.That sounds cool.
    You know, I have actually been in other states and visited programs, I was never familiar with what they actually do. So it's an infant/toddler license there. Here we take a class and BAM!, your in. I don't know if we call that "licensed" or not, by now. Criteria keeps changing.
    Diapers change the teacher child ratio in our state. It requires more teachers on hand which is a pricier program for parents. Families pay for diapering, hence the pressure. It is also difficult to find teachers that prefer jobs that require diapering.
    I agree with you completely, Jenni. Knowing what we know about kids they will learn faster is all their friends are learning with them.

  3. I've always had an issue with teachers who "refuse to diaper". I mean, we are CHILD DEVELOPMENT what are you going to do if the child has an accident? Besides, I look at our job from infant through pre-k, not just pre-k. Then again, that's just me.

    For the license, I think it has something to do with handling the disposal of diapers and all that goes with it. It seriously is a teeny-tiny small section of the license, but it's in there. Crazy where they come up with things, isn't it?

  4. I wasn't going to go there but, YES. Hello.
    Thanks Jenni, I have a problem with squeamish teachers, too. It amazes me in this economy who would want to dictate what their job is. Really what is happening is you are talking to an individual who is inadvertently talking themselves out of a great job.
    I like the license idea. Everywhere having the same way of diaper disposal is a fabulous idea!


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