
Friday, March 12, 2010

Cognitive Development in Preschool

Dr. Einstein was not successful in school, 
but he found something in the air from his 
own imagination and his own brain power, 
and look what he did.
~Eartha Kitt

The brain has always fascinated me. I see children struggle with various tasks and parents fret and compare their child to siblings or other children with in the preschool classroom…. Often times within weeks or months they have surpassed their peers and everyone’s expectations with skills they have acquired.
The human brain is working so rapidly at this time that we often for get that a little person is still under construction….foundations are being laid, walls being built, a whole lot of hammering and shaking is going on.
It is such an amazing process and I am so glad to be a part of it. Just like what we feed the body I know it’s important to feed or minds proper information. There are things I can do with the preschoolers to keep the cognitively alert with in the early childhood setting.
*Maintaining a safe happy environment
*Promoting kindness and a sense of community
*Encouraging creativity, questions, and science all around us
*Including the children’s ideas and play in the preschool curriculum.
I like the video because it had so much information…David Elkind was one of my favorite authors. I apologize for the music at the end of the video…um, at least I think it’s music.
It gave me the heebee-geebee’s.


  1. Haha, I am going to have to watch this video just to hear the music at the end:) LOL!

  2. I just watched the video - I loved it, especially the part when the children were looking at the perceptual pictures. Too cool! Thanks for sharing:)

  3. I found this post via Deborah at teach preschool. I majored in PSYCH and loved learning about Piaget.

  4. Hi Deborah & adventurekerrs,
    My minor was PSYCH. I am a brain child, myself- lol. It validates why we do what we do. I know we learned this but there are so many more findings on the brain.
    We'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully they will get better music.....


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