
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Storytimes in Early Childhood Education


“Some folks never exaggerate - 
they just remember big.”
~Attributed to both Audrey Snead and 
Chi Chi Rodriguez

I love a good story. I read to preschoolers often….but some of the best stories I have heard are when young children ‘read or recall’ a story I have told them and tell it back to me. This is where it gets interesting.
Understanding differences between fantasy and reality are developmental. I am very careful when I select certain books to read to children….even though they may be children’s books and age appropriate, knowing how sensitive some children are to content and material is key when reading to large groups.
Stories and fantasy goes far beyond books…dramatic play, outdoor play, block play, the list goes on. I will have a small circle time called ‘recall’ were children will reflect on things they did throughout the day. Usually when it doesn’t sound too kosher with the other children they will call each other out on it-I rarely question their meaning…kids are very smart and ask lots of questions by nature.
Here are some things they have said at recall:

“I played Kung Fu guy and fight-ed everyone and they cried.” (Three-year-old boy)
“Gimme a break, you didn’t-I saw you crying over a bike outside….” 
(Same three-year-old’s best friend)

“I climbed on the roof and fell off.” (Preschool girl)
“You look fine to us…I mean, your mouth works and all.” (Preschool classmate)

“I think I’m about to die…I don’t like it here at school.” (Preschool girl)
“Hmmm…Do you want lunch with us? We're having pizza.”(Preschool girl-classmate)
“You’re fine then…”


  1. LOL, literally laughing out loud! Kids are funny. I am a part time substitute teacher and I am also 6 months pregnant. Last week, I was subbing for pre-k and one of the kids asked me why my belly was so big. I told him it was because a baby was in there. He said his mom has a baby in her belly too. I said "oh, really?" and then he said, "yeah, and the baby already talks to me" :)

  2. LOL,they are funny...
    Congratulations to you as well-kids seem to naturally bond to babies, don't they?
    Thanks for sharing April!

  3. Too funny, children can be comedians. I also love story time. My students enjoy acting out the story for the week on Fridays. Sometimes we dress up as the characters and other times we use the stick puppets or masks I made. They also enjoy picture reading books. Each week I put a basket to books out about the theme we are doing for the week.
    I love to change my hairstyles often so my students will say where or not they like my hair or not. One day a student told me that he did not like my hair it made me look older and uncool. All I could do is laugh.


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