
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Art in Early Childhood Education

“Conditions for creativity are to be puzzled; to concentrate; to accept conflict and tension; to be born everyday; to feel a sense of self.”
~Eric Fromm

Artists tend to look at the marks or strokes that are left behind on the paper or canvas. They can be beautiful within themselves. This is usually why young children’s art work is appreciated so much.
Crayons, markers, pens and pencils are usually staples in any art area. As children’s skills grow and develop the materials usually graduate with them. Staplers, tape, scissors, stickers etc. The list can go on. I recruit help from the families as well. It’s not always that it is necessary, but it is important to involve them as active members in the preschooler’s education.
Parents and families are creative as well and have so much to bring to the table. They are so necessary in the education of the ‘whole child’.
The saying, It takes a village to raise a child…I believe holds true. The village must also know how to work together, come together, and be quite a community in the first place in order to do that.
Wow…what a group of people…and the children….imagine the community…and the work that they would produce.

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