
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Honorable Mention: Maturing As a PreschoolTeacher

 “The best teachers teach from the heart, 
not from the book.” 

Books, cut outs, dittos, templates…well, I can’t say I have never used them. College professors flooded me with them. I had file folders of thousands of dittos until I tossed them all out in one great sweep. No, I didn’t get a revelation…I was going to change my major and thought I was going to be some be shot attorney and started studying law. When I changed my mind again…I panicked.
“Aaaagh! My papers! My books- my…um, stuff and thing- a-majiggers!”
My revelation came when it I went back to teaching…I didn’t need it. I all came back to me.
My desire from the beginning was to mature as a teacher and be the best that I could be. I could see I was starting to develop my own style and character within my career. I still use resources as a tool but they no longer encapsulate or define me. I could feel myself breaking out of a mental cocoon…
Creativity works in wonderful ways, it ascends, bends, spirals-but it’s the best when it sparks….
because then- and only then, it has a chance it catch on fire....


  1. Ah Barb, Your so creative. I love your unique intelligence. Artistic, souful and truly a delight to read. Keep up the good work lady.


  2. Teaching comes from the heart and also from the learner. I think it's mostly about the quality of the relationship between teacher and learner. When we're really connected to our students, sparks do seem to appear.

  3. That's an excellent point Dan, as usual. As a new teacher I relied too much on worksheets and others theories rather than the quality of the relationships with my students. When I stopped relying on these tools as a soul instrument for relating to my students...Boom! Heeee-lo, Ms. Fire Cracker.
    Ahem...Oh,I don't like worksheet for preschoolers....
    you came up with the "Soundabet". That was pretty creative! Was that inspired by the kids?


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